I'm also mighty impressed with your block given no starch and the secret was only pressing the seams. Do you have some kind of magic iron that we should all know about? ;-)
Yeah, pretty good is a way to put it... impressive is another. If that isn't perfect I'll eat my hat (fortunately straw, I think). The three fabrics are really "understatedly spectacular" (is that a term?)...
Welcome to our weekly block party! This is a group blog for sharing our successes and struggles with the week's chosen block. The challenge of completing the weekly block is open to everyone. The block and a link to its online instructions will be posted on Fridays. If you would like to join us, please follow the link to Hetty's blog, or leave a comment on a post indicating you'd like posting priviledges here. I'll be happy to add you as an author -- even if you are only doing some of the blocks :-)
Authors to this blog are asked to label each post with their name and the week# of the block represented by the post. This way we'll all be easily able to see all the blocks for each week as well as all the blocks by any one person. Thanks for your cooperation!
WOW! you did an amazing job. I can't believe it was managed without starch... I'm mightily impressed.
I'm hopeful that next week's block will be with fewer triangles too -- something simple... We'll see what the random draw brings though :-)
I'm also mighty impressed with your block given no starch and the secret was only pressing the seams. Do you have some kind of magic iron that we should all know about? ;-)
This is perfect. You must be feeling a little coy (wink).
Make that three of us who are impressed! It's perfect! And I like the way you used a third fabric.
Yeah, pretty good is a way to put it... impressive is another. If that isn't perfect I'll eat my hat (fortunately straw, I think). The three fabrics are really "understatedly spectacular" (is that a term?)...
I hope to understand HSTs the way you do!!! Gorgeous!
I like it with three fabrics!
Love the fabrics you used. It looks great!
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