Friday, February 6, 2009

Pssst! Keep an Eye Out for the Quilt Police!

I am about to reveal my latest Block Party block. It may be called "Patch as Patch Can" and Patch might be able to do this one, but I had a lot of trouble.After I had sewn the first quarter together, it didn't look at all like it was supposed to. I had the pieces all going the wrong way. I had to frog everything and start over. I laid the pieces out exactly as they were to go together and than it went a little better. My points are not the greatest, but if the quilt police don't see it, I think everything will be okay. I like the block, but it was a lot of work to get it to this point. That's the word for today, 'point'. Wish mine were all sharp and pointy.


Vicki said...

I like your fabric selection, very nice. I think this is another block like last week where you have to take it slowly and make sure you've got things laid out right otherwise you become buds with the seam ripper.

Donna said...

looking at your block you'd never know you'd had problems and torn out seams -- gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous fabric selection and ummm, I think it looks perfect...can't see any unpointy areas.

Carol E. said...

You're too hard on yourself. It looks GREAT.

Shelina said...

What a beautiful block - great fabric and great piecing!

em's scrapbag said...

I think your block looks terrific!

Anonymous said...

If I made that block, I'd still be patting myself on the back. The block is perfect.